This initiative aims to 'normalize' the role of women in international security, through exposing key academic audiences regularly to some of the leading scholars and practitioners in international security, who are high-achieving women.

Women in Asia-Pacific Security Research (2020-21)
Our new research seminar series for 2020-21 is jointly supported by the Graduate Research & Development Network for Asian Security (GRADNAS) and the ANU Gender Institute.
This series showcases the cutting-edge academic research of women in the fields of Asia-Pacific security broadly-defined, and is targeted at international scholarly communities working on this important region. This series comprises interactive webinars, virtual research seminars, and online ‘book clubs’.
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Women in International Security: Theory & Practice (2018-2019)
Our flagship, 10-part seminar series was run over four semesters at the Australian National University (ANU) in 2018-19, sponsored by the ANU Gender Institute and the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre.
These WIIS events took three forms: (1) research seminars presenting ongoing research on international security issues; (2) policy dialogues with policy-makers on contemporary security themes; and (3) postgraduate career opportunity and development workshops. Speakers included distinguished women scholars from ANU and other universities; leading women policy-makers and politicians; fast-rising women in different sectors of the Australian armed forces; and successful women at different career stages in the private security sector and in government agencies dealing with defence, foreign policy and strategy.