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This initiative aims to 'normalize' the role of women in international security, through exposing key academic audiences regularly to some of the leading scholars and practitioners in international security, who are high-achieving women.

Professor Evelyn Goh is the Shedden Professor of Strategic Policy Studies at the Australian National University, where she also is Director of Research at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre. Additionally, she is the convenor of the Graduate Research and Development Network on Asian Security (GRADNAS).
The Women in International Security (WIIS) series is convened by Professor Evelyn Goh, with joint support from the Australian National University Gender Institute and the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre.
For more information about WIIS, please contact Series Convenor, Professor Evelyn Goh at
If you would like to be added to the WIIS mailing list and be notified of all future events, please contact Series Assistant, Nan Liu, at

Nan Liu is the coordinator and web manager of both GRADNAS and WIIS, based at the Australian National University.
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