This initiative aims to 'normalize' the role of women in international security, through exposing key academic audiences regularly to some of the leading scholars and practitioners in international security, who are high-achieving women.
Women in Asia-Pacific Security Research Seminar Series 2020-21
This series showcases the cutting-edge academic research of women in the fields of Asia-Pacific security broadly-defined, and is targeted at international scholarly communities working on this important region. It is part of the ANU Women in International Security initiative aiming to help to ‘normalize’ the role of women in international security, through exposing key academic audiences regularly to some of the leading scholars and practitioners who are high-achieving women.
We aim to hold at least 6 seminars between 1 November 2020 and 31 October 2021, with the possibility of more events if there is demand. The series will feature two pre-planned lynchpin Webinars. We have also lined up an exciting first research seminar. (See below.)
At this time, we are delighted to issue a CALL FOR PAPERS for the 2021 Virtual Research Seminars. Please send a title, abstract and very brief bio. We are also able to consider proposals for a Virtual Book Manuscript Workshop, if you have a full draft ms.
We also seek NOMINATIONS of recently-published (2019 onwards) books and their authors, whom we might feature for our Zoom Book Club seminars. Please send a link to the book and a brief (one-paragraph) explanation of why you think it accords with the WIAPSR series aims. We welcome self-nominations by authors.
All proposals and nominations to by 15 December 2020. Thank you!
WIAPSR Schedule