This initiative aims to 'normalize' the role of women in international security, through exposing key academic audiences regularly to some of the leading scholars and practitioners in international security, who are high-achieving women.
Academic Career Development | Making it in the Academic Jungle: Publishing Strategies
Professor Emerita Lorraine Elliott, Professor Tonni Erskine, Professor Evelyn Goh
When: Wednesday 31 July 2019, 9.30am-10.45am
Where: APCD Boardroom, Level 2, Hedley Bull Building (130), corner of Garran Road and Liversidge Street, ANU
In this seminar, three prominent women scholars at the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Studies address one of the most significant demands of a scholar’s career: academic publishing. Drawing from their extensive experience of publishing as well as editing book series and journals related to international security, they discuss issues such as: working out the most suitable academic publishers or outlets; crafting a convincing book proposal; dealing with reviews; and the publishing and production process.
Lorraine Elliott is Professor Emerita in International Relations in the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs. Her expertise is in human and environmental security, and global governance. She is series editor for the ACUNS Series on the UN System (Edward Elgar Publishers), and the Routledge Series in Law, Conflict and International Relations. She serves or has served on the editorial boards for a number of international journals including Earth System Governance (Elsevier), Global Governance (Brill) and Global Environmental Politics (MIT Press), and is a past Associate Editor of the Australian Journal of International Affairs.
Toni Erskine is Professor of International Politics and Director of the Coral Bell School, ANU. She is Editor of the journal International Theory, and currently on the International Editorial Advisory Boards of five other journals, including the Journal of Political Philosophy and Ethics & International Affairs. She is Associate Fellow at the Centre for the Future of Intelligence, Cambridge University and CI on the $7.5 million ‘Humanising Machine Intelligence’ ANU Grand Challenge. She is completing her second monograph for Oxford University Press (and is in the middle of drafting a proposal for a third).
Evelyn Goh is the Shedden Professor of Strategic Policy Studies and the Director of Research at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre. She specialises in international relations theory, diplomatic history, and Asian security. She is co-Managing Editor of the Cambridge Studies in International Relations book series, and sits on the editorial boards of journals including International Affairs, Journal of Global Security Studiesand Asian Security. She has published with the university presses of Oxford, Cambridge and MIT, and in journals such as International Security, Diplomatic History and Security Studies.
This career development seminar is the seventh of the 'Women in International Security: Theory and Practice’ Seminar Series 2018-19, jointly sponsored by the ANU Gender Institute and the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre. Consisting of research, career development, and policy dialogue seminars, this series showcases the work of prominent women in the fields of international security. For more information, contact the Series Convenor, Professor Evelyn Goh